The premise for Cheaters is simple: suspicious spouses enlist private detectives to investigate their partners' activities. When adultery is confirmed, the show's host, predominantly Joey Greco, confronts the wandering lover. Somewhat predictably, these encounters occasionally go off the rails. For viewers, that's the exciting part. While the show has a Jerry Springer vibe, many of the encounters seem believable. We hate to break it to you, but this show is not necessarily being faithful to you, the viewer.
One of the program's most infamous incidents occurred in 2003 when the Cheaters crew caught a young woman's boyfriend with another woman in a boat. After being confronted on the boat, the adulterer got physical and stabbed Greco in the stomach. After crew members subdued the cheater, they patched up the bloodied Greco and took him to a hospital. Exhilarating reality television, right? Right! But hold on a second.
Cassandra Terrazas told Inside Edition that Cheaters paid her to play the mistress on that boat. "It was all set up," she claimed. "They just rented a boat for us ... then they were going to come up on another boat and catch us." Furthermore, the local police department reportedly showed no records of an arrest for that alleged stabbing.
When Inside Edition confronted Greco and producer Bobby Goldstein, they both worked really hard to dance around the details, citing memory issues, an inability to speak, and this line from Goldstein: "My recollection is that [Greco] was very pale, very frail, very scared, but very courageous. But let me say this, if it was all poppycock, it sure did good in the ratings."