Comedians In Cars Getting Coffee: Sarah Jessica Parkers Ford Wagon

The wait is finally over! Season 4 of Jerry Seinfelds Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee is back and episode 1 features Sarah Jessica Parker and her own personal 1976 Ford Country Squire Wagon. Yes, you read that right, Sarah Jessica Parker owns a 1976 Ford Country Squire Wagon, fake wood paneling and all. And while

The wait is finally over! Season 4 of Jerry Seinfeld’s Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee is back and episode 1 features Sarah Jessica Parker and her own personal 1976 Ford Country Squire Wagon. Yes, you read that right, Sarah Jessica Parker owns a 1976 Ford Country Squire Wagon, fake wood paneling and all. And while “SJP” has always been pretty real when it comes to her cars, this 1976 wagon takes things to a whole other level of real.

In the second half of the episode, Sarah actually gets behind the wheel of the car and looks pretty comfortable, that is until she has to merge, then things get a little sketchy. Take a look at the episode on the Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee website here.

It’s good to have CCC back and it’s nice to know that behind the high fashion, Sex in the City girl, there’s just a classic car, wagon loving, human being. Check out more episodes here.

Sarah Jessica Parker Jerry Seinfeld

